[{"id":"9","ytnews":"SwEnty09","title":"India-US Collaboration in 6G Technology: A Foundation for Universal Dividends","pragraph":["At the G20 Summit 2023, India and the United States have solidified a strategic alliance with a singular mission: to propel 6G technology into the global spotlight. This collaboration represents a significant milestone in the relentless pursuit of next-generation wireless networks, promising lightning-fast internet speeds, enhanced coverage, and an unprecedented range of applications. As the world eagerly awaits the arrival of 6G, Business Today TV's Managing Editor, Siddharth Zarabi, conducted insightful interviews with key players in the impending 6G technology landscape to decipher the ramifications of this partnership and its profound implications for India and the international community.","One prominent voice in this conversation is R Chandrashekhar, the former Telecom Secretary and former President of NASSCOM. Chandrashekhar astutely pointed out the evolving nature of technology's role in our lives. Beyond mere technological advancement, the focal point has shifted to trust and adherence to standards. In the contemporary era, geopolitical dynamics have ushered in a new reality where trust, or the lack thereof, takes center stage. In an increasingly digital world, securing telecommunication infrastructure transcends safeguarding data; it becomes a matter of national security. The complex web of this infrastructure relies heavily on a global supply chain, rendering any single nation's self-sufficiency nearly impossible. Consequently, the safeguarding of telecom infrastructure emerges as an intricate and demanding challenge.","India's approach to this challenge has been encapsulated in the term atmanirbharta"," signifying self-reliance and resilience. In contrast, the United States has embraced a strategy known as friendshoring"," emphasizing cooperative partnerships and alliances. Within this context, 6G technology arises as the next frontier, where nations must navigate a delicate balance between self-reliance and international cooperation to ensure the robustness and security of global telecommunications networks. The strategic alliance between India and the United States, as forged at the G20 Summit, promises to be a critical linchpin in shaping the future of 6G technology, ultimately impacting not just the two nations involved but the entire world."],"city":"","type":"news","date":"12 Sep 2023","img":["SwEnty09_01.webp","SwEnty09_02.webp"],"video":[],"owner":"KDS CODER","thumbnail":"","views":"6","comment":"","share":"2","technology":"Technology"},{"id":"8","ytnews":"SwEnty08","title":"Revolutionizing Robot Recognition: Cutting-Edge AI Technology Takes Recognition Skills to New Heights","pragraph":["A robot moves a toy package of butter around a table in the Intelligent Robotics and Vision Lab at The University of Texas at Dallas. With every push, the robot is learning to recognize the object through a new system developed by a team of UT Dallas computer scientists.","The new system allows the robot to push objects multiple times until a sequence of images are collected, which in turn enables the system to segment all the objects in the sequence until the robot recognizes the objects. Previous approaches have relied on a single push or grasp by the robot to learn the object.","The team presented its research paper at the Robotics: Science and Systems conference July 10-14 in Daegu, South Korea. Papers for the conference are selected for their novelty, technical quality, significance, potential impact and clarity.","The day when robots can cook dinner, clear the kitchen table and empty the dishwasher is still a long way off. But the research group has made a significant advance with its robotic system that uses artificial intelligence to help robots better identify and remember objects, said Dr. Yu Xiang, senior author of the paper.","If you ask a robot to pick up the mug or bring you a bottle of water, the robot needs to recognize those objects,said Xiang, assistant professor of computer science in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science.","The UTD researchers' technology is designed to help robots detect a wide variety of objects found in environments such as homes and to generalize, or identify, similar versions of common items such as water bottles that come in varied brands, shapes or sizes.","Inside Xiang's lab is a storage bin full of toy packages of common foods, such as spaghetti, ketchup and carrots, which are used to train the lab robot, named Ramp. Ramp is a Fetch Robotics mobile manipulator robot that stands about 4 feet tall on a round mobile platform. Ramp has a long mechanical arm with seven joints. At the end is a square hand with two fingers to grasp objects. give me best pragraph"],"city":"","type":"news","date":"9 Sep 2023","img":["SwEnty08_01.webp","SwEnty08_02.webp"],"video":[],"owner":"KDS CODER","thumbnail":"","views":"8","comment":"","share":"4","technology":"AI"},{"id":"7","ytnews":"SwEnty07","title":"Exploring the Potential and Pitfalls of the ChatGPT Code Interpreter Plugin in Education, Biology, and Health","pragraph":["In the realm of education and bioinformatics, the Code Interpreter plugin within the widely embraced ChatGPT AI chatbot has sparked both excitement and scrutiny. Gangqing Michael Hu, an assistant professor at the WVU School of Medicine, acknowledges its potential in making coding accessible to students in STEM fields, lauding its ability to cultivate curiosity and interest in data analysis. Nevertheless, he highlights that the plugin falls short of meeting the specific demands of bioinformatics, a domain intricately blending computer science and biology.","Hu's team extensively evaluated Code Interpreter's capabilities, revealing its mixed performance. For individuals without a scientific background, the plugin indeed provides an avenue to engage with coding, delivering a cost-effective solution that ignites a passion for data exploration and learning. However, proficiency in data interpretation remains a requisite, alongside the ability to discern the accuracy of outcomes and navigate interactions with the chatbot effectively.","While Hu acknowledges the plugin's utility in verifying response accuracy and curbing overconfident but incorrect responses (hallucinations), he stresses that Code Interpreter's current iteration necessitates enhancements tailored to the nuances of bioinformatics. This field, crucial for modern medical advancements, demands precision in coding, software proficiency, and seamless internet access for the analysis and interpretation of complex biological data, such as DNA and the human genome.","In summary, the Code Interpreter plugin, while showing promise in educational settings and broader coding applications, is not yet fully aligned with the intricate demands of bioinformatics. Despite its potential to engage students and foster interest, the plugin's current capabilities underscore the need for targeted development to harness its advantages within specialized scientific disciplines like bioinformatics."],"city":"","type":"news","date":"28 Aug 2023","img":["SwEnty07_01.webp","SwEnty07_02.webp"],"video":[],"owner":"KDS CODER","thumbnail":"","views":"45","comment":"","share":"13","technology":"AI Biology"},{"id":"6","ytnews":"SwEnty06","title":"Meta Unveils Llama 2 Code: Empowering Developers with Digital Creativity","pragraph":["Meta's recent release of Llama 2, a potent artificial intelligence model akin to the technology driving ChatGPT, marked a milestone that piqued the curiosity of developers, startups, and researchers alike. With just a month elapsed since that unveiling, Meta has today taken a significant step forward by introducing Code Llama. Tailored specifically for programming tasks, this iteration of the model has the potential to democratize AI-assisted coding. The ramifications are far-reaching: from expanding the horizons of software developers to integrating AI into software in novel ways, Meta is poised to solidify its status as the leading provider of accessible AI tools.","The open sharing of the model's weights with the community is generating excitement, as Deepak Kumar, a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford and an AI coding expert, points out. Kumar underscores that the previous release of Meta's Llama 2 spurred the formation of dedicated communities focused on dissecting its behavior and exploring customization options. This openness grants developers more flexibility to delve into the intricacies beneath the surface, a departure from the closed-source models offered by tech giants like Google and OpenAI.","Kumar predicts a wave of innovation spurred by Code Llama. One potential application he envisions is a programming assistant endowed with enhanced safety mechanisms. This assistant could rigorously assess code before suggesting it, addressing concerns Kumar's own research has highlighted about AI sometimes leading to less secure code. Moreover, Kumar anticipates the emergence of specialized assistants tailored to distinct programming domains, each harnessing the underlying potential of Code Llama. The model serves as a foundation for diverse tooling, he affirms, illuminating the vast landscape of possibilities awaiting exploration."],"city":"","type":"news","date":"25 Aug 2023","img":["SwEnty06_01.webp","SwEnty06_02.webp"],"video":[],"owner":"KDS CODER","thumbnail":"","views":"42","comment":"","share":"14","technology":"AI"},{"id":"5","ytnews":"SwEnty05","title":"Rekindling Speech: How Artificial Intelligence Restored Voice to a Paralyzed Woman","pragraph":["In a groundbreaking collaboration between UC San Francisco and UC Berkeley, researchers have achieved an astonishing breakthrough by developing a pioneering brain-computer interface (BCI). This revolutionary technology has successfully granted a woman, who suffered severe paralysis due to a brainstem stroke, the ability to communicate through a digital avatar. Unveiling their achievements in a landmark article published in Nature on August 23, 2023, the research marks a monumental leap forward in the field of neural communication. Spearheaded by Dr. Edward Chang, an esteemed figure in neurological surgery and a driving force behind the project for over a decade, this innovative BCI has not only facilitated speech synthesis from brain signals but also the generation of facial expressions \u2013 a feat never before accomplished.","The implications of this development are vast, especially given the impressive rate at which the system converts these neural signals into text, achieving an unprecedented speed of nearly 80 words per minute. This substantial improvement over existing commercial technology holds immense promise for individuals with severe communication impairments. Dr. Chang, who holds a prominent position at the UCSF Weill Institute for Neuroscience and serves as the Jeanne Robertson Distinguished Professor in Psychiatry, envisions this achievement as a significant stride towards an FDA-approved solution that will revolutionize the lives of patients, offering them a genuine pathway to regain their natural mode of interaction.","This pioneering endeavor builds upon previous achievements by Dr. Chang's team, wherein they successfully translated brain signals into text for a man who had previously suffered a brainstem stroke. However, this current study reaches an even loftier milestone \u2013 the decoding of brain signals into the complexity of speech, encompassing not just words but also the intricate facial movements that accompany conversation. This remarkable achievement was made possible through the implantation of a slim array of 253 electrodes on the woman's brain surface. These electrodes intercepted the neural signals that once controlled her facial muscles, tongue, jaw, and larynx, providing a crucial link between her intentions and external expression. Wired to a computer array through a port, the electrodes initiated a profound connection between her thoughts and the artificial intelligence that was harnessed to comprehend and interpret them.","In an intensive collaborative effort spanning several weeks, the participant collaborated closely with the research team. Together, they painstakingly trained the AI algorithms to discern her distinctive brain signals associated with speech. Through repetitive exercises involving a diverse range of phrases from a 1,024-word conversational vocabulary, the computer learned to recognize the intricate neural patterns corresponding to different sounds. As a result, this remarkable feat transcends the boundaries of possibility, edging us closer to the realization of a comprehensive and natural communication solution for those who have long been silenced by neurological constraints."],"city":"","type":"news","date":"24 Aug 2023","img":["SwEnty05_01.webp","SwEnty05_02.webp"],"video":[],"owner":"KDS CODER","thumbnail":"","views":"7","comment":"","share":"2","technology":"AI"},{"id":"4","ytnews":"SwEnty04","title":"Stack Overflow to Implement Charges for AI Giants Accessing Training Data","pragraph":["OpenAI, Google, and other companies building large-scale AI projects have traditionally paid nothing for much of their training data, scraping it from the web. But Stack Overflow, a popular internet forum for computer programming help, plans to begin charging large AI developers as soon as the middle of this year for access to the 50 million questions and answers on its service, CEO Prashanth Chandrasekar says. The site has more than 20 million registered users","Stack Overflow\u2019s decision to seek compensation from companies tapping its data, part of a broader generative AI strategy, has not been previously reported. It follows an announcement by Reddit this week that it will begin charging some AI developers to access its own content starting in June.","The two community sites are not alone in wanting a share. The News\/Media Alliance, a US trade group of publishers, including Cond\u00e9 Nast, which owns WIRED, today unveiled principles calling on generative AI developers to negotiate any use of their data for training and other purposes and respect their right to fair compensation.","Meta, Google, and OpenAI\u2014maker of ChatGPT\u2014all have developed AI systems using data sets that culled content from thousands of online sources, including Stack Overflow and Reddit, according to outside analyses and their own disclosures. Feeding text from online banter or expert discussions about programming into machine learning algorithms known as large language models, or LLMs, can help AI text generators or chatbots be more fluent and knowledgeable. Using LLMs to generate programming code is viewed as one of the technology's biggest opportunities, with Microsoft charging as much as $19 a month per person for its code generator GitHub Copilot.","Meta, Google, and OpenAI\u2014maker of ChatGPT\u2014all have developed AI systems using data sets that culled content from thousands of online sources, including Stack Overflow and Reddit, according to outside analyses and their own disclosures. Feeding text from online banter or expert discussions about programming into machine learning algorithms known as large language models, or LLMs, can help AI text generators or chatbots be more fluent and knowledgeable. Using LLMs to generate programming code is viewed as one of the technology's biggest opportunities, with Microsoft charging as much as $19 a month per person for its code generator GitHub Copilot.","\u201cCommunity platforms that fuel LLMs absolutely should be compensated for their contributions so that companies like us can reinvest back into our communities to continue to make them thrive,\u201d Stack Overflow\u2019s Chandrasekar says. \u201cWe're very supportive of Reddit\u2019s approach.\u201d give me best pragarph"],"city":"","type":"news","date":"28 Apr 2023","img":["SwEnty04_01.webp","SwEnty04_02.webp"],"video":[],"owner":"KDS CODER","thumbnail":"","views":"16","comment":"","share":"3","technology":"Programming"},{"id":"3","ytnews":"SwEnty03","title":"Empowering High-Performance Computing: Introducing a Paradigm-Shifting New Programming Language","pragraph":["In a paradigm-shifting advancement that challenges the conventional trade-offs between speed and reliability in high-performance computing, a team of innovative researchers led by MIT has introduced a groundbreaking programming language. Aptly named A Tensor Language (ATL), this novel linguistic creation emerges as a beacon of hope, where the elusive balance between swift execution and flawless correctness can finally be achieved.","The essence of ATL's philosophy lies in its relentless pursuit of computational excellence, without compromising on accuracy. Amanda Liu, a forward-thinking PhD student at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), affirms that ATL redefines the landscape of high-performance computing by seamlessly integrating speed and correctness within the very fabric of the programs we code.","Central to ATL's innovation is its steadfast focus on generating either singular numbers or tensors \u2013 generalized forms of vectors and matrices. These tensors, ranging from n-dimensional arrays to complex structures, become the building blocks of ATL's transformative power. As Liu elucidates, ATL's potency lies in its capacity to harness the optimal essence of a program, transforming it into a sleek and efficient form that circumvents the resource-intensive nature of high-performance computing.","The uniqueness of ATL resides not only in its pragmatic approach but also in its rigorous foundation. Leveraging the inherent capabilities of the Coq language, ATL embodies the concept of mathematically rigorous proof. This innate ability to validate its own optimizations through a proof assistant ensures that every refinement, every enhancement made to a program is not just faster, but unequivocally correct.","By tackling the longstanding challenge of algorithmic optimization, ATL marries the expertise of MIT's collaborative team, with Professors Jonathan Ragan-Kelley and Adam Chlipala leading the charge. Their synergy creates a fertile ground where performance optimization and formal verification converge, cementing ATL as a pioneering step forward in the field of high-performance computing.","As ATL takes its inaugural steps, it stands as a prototype with immense promise. Tested on a range of small programs, its horizon stretches towards the scalability demanded by real-world applications. Gone are the days of trial and error, of ad hoc optimizations fraught with uncertainty. With ATL, the future beckons, promising a principled and assured approach to program rewriting, empowering developers to navigate the complexities of high-performance computing with unparalleled ease and confidence."],"city":"","type":"news","date":"16 AAug 2023","img":["SwEnty03_01.webp","SwEnty03_02.webp"],"video":[],"owner":"KDS CODER","thumbnail":"","views":"116","comment":"","share":"24","technology":"Programming"},{"id":"2","ytnews":"SwEnty02","title":"Future of Javascript In 2024: What To Expect Next?","pragraph":["In 2024, the future of JavaScript looks incredibly promising, with exciting developments on the horizon. JavaScript, being the backbone of web development, is expected to witness significant advancements that will empower developers and enhance user experiences. One of the key areas of growth is the integration of more robust asynchronous programming features, enabling smoother and more efficient handling of promises and async\/await modules. This will streamline development and make JavaScript applications more responsive and performant.","Additionally, the rise of Web Assembly (Wasm) will enable JavaScript to support Web Assembly modules, improving security and boosting performance. This integration will provide developers with the ability to write native applications using JavaScript, bridging the gap between web and native development.","Web components will also play a significant role, as frameworks and libraries will continue to offer better support for developing and managing reusable components. This will empower developers to create more maintainable and scalable codebases, leading to increased productivity and better code organization.","Moreover, the trend of TypeScript or other typing superset usage will continue to gain momentum. Embracing static typing will allow developers to write more reliable and trustworthy code, offering better development-time feedback and facilitating code maintenance in larger projects.","As the JavaScript ecosystem evolves, the development tools and tooling around JavaScript will also see substantial growth. More powerful and user-friendly development tools will emerge, making coding more accessible and boosting productivity.","Lastly, user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) development will witness remarkable advancements. With improved support from JavaScript, developers will be able to create highly interactive and engaging user interfaces, enhancing overall user satisfaction and making web applications more immersive than ever before.","In summary, the future of JavaScript in 2024 holds tremendous potential. With increased focus on asynchronous programming, Web Assembly integration, better support for web components, typing superset usage, improved development tools, and enriched user experiences, JavaScript will continue to solidify its position as one of the most crucial and influential technologies in the world of web development."],"city":"","type":"news","date":"15 Aug 2023","img":["SwEnty02_01.webp","SwEnty02_02.webp"],"video":[],"owner":"KDS CODER","thumbnail":"","views":"21","comment":"","share":"18","technology":"Javascript"},{"id":"1","ytnews":"SwEnty01","title":"End of Official Support: Google Discontinues Support for AngularJS","pragraph":["The discontinuation of long-time support for AngularJS by Google has indeed prompted web developers to seek alternatives for their projects. With the official end of support, AngularJS will no longer receive updates and fixes, potentially leaving applications vulnerable to security risks and compatibility issues.","To address this, Google recommended affected development teams to migrate their applications to its successor, Angular, or explore other popular JavaScript frameworks like React or Vue.js. However, for those who still wish to continue using AngularJS in their projects, there is a promising solution. The XLTS.dev team has announced their intention to provide extended long-term support for AngularJS. This initiative aims to assist developers in maintaining their existing AngularJS projects beyond the official end-of-life date.","The decision to continue supporting AngularJS may provide relief for teams with complex applications or time constraints that prevent an immediate migration to a new framework. However, it is essential for developers to carefully weigh the risks and benefits of relying on a community-driven support model after the official support has ended.","As the web development landscape continues to evolve, developers must stay informed about the latest updates and developments in their chosen frameworks. Whether they decide to migrate to newer technologies like Angular, embrace other frameworks, or opt for extended support with XLTS.dev, careful consideration is crucial to ensure the long-term viability and security of their projects.","For further details, interested readers can find additional information in the Angular blog, where the XLTS.dev team's plans for extended support are likely explained in more depth."],"city":"","type":"news","date":"10 Aug 2023","img":["SwEnty01_01.webp","SwEnty01_02.webp"],"video":[],"owner":"KDS CODER","thumbnail":"","views":"43","comment":"","share":"8","technology":"Javascript"},{"id":"0","ytnews":"SwEnty00","title":"Revolutionizing Programming Languages: Unleashing the Bug-Busting Beast","pragraph":["In the ever-evolving realm of software development, a seismic shift is underway. Imagine a world where the torment of debugging, the relentless pursuit of elusive bugs, and the countless hours spent deciphering cryptic error messages become relics of the past. Enter the era of programming languages transformed by the Bug-Busting Beast, a groundbreaking approach that promises to revolutionize the very core of how we write code.","No programmer is a stranger to the frustration of bugs lurking within their creations, waiting to manifest at the most inconvenient moments. These bugs, often elusive and perplexing, have been a perennial hindrance to progress, sapping valuable time and resources. But now, the tide is turning. The Bug-Busting Beast, an amalgamation of cutting-edge techniques and ingenious design, emerges as a powerful ally in the battle against programming errors.","Picture a programming language that anticipates and prevents bugs before they even have a chance to rear their heads. With its sophisticated analysis and predictive capabilities, the Bug-Busting Beast empowers developers to weave intricate code with confidence, assured that the chances of bugs slipping through the cracks are drastically minimized. It's as if a vigilant sentinel stands guard, tirelessly scanning lines of code, identifying potential pitfalls, and offering intuitive suggestions for optimization.","The Bug-Busting Beast's impact is far-reaching, heralding a new era of efficiency, reliability, and creativity. As programmers embrace this paradigm shift, the act of coding transcends into a harmonious symphony between human ingenuity and machine intelligence. The once-daunting journey of debugging transforms into a smoother, more streamlined process, liberating developers to focus on what truly matters: crafting innovative solutions and pushing the boundaries of technological innovation.","In this brave new world of programming languages, the Bug-Busting Beast reigns supreme, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the future of software development. As its influence spreads and its capabilities continue to evolve, the Bug-Busting Beast paves the way for a landscape where bugs no longer hold dominion, and where the creative potential of programmers knows no bounds. Embrace the revolution, as we unleash the Bug-Busting Beast and embark on a journey toward a bug-free tomorrow."],"city":"","type":"news","date":"7 Apr 2023","img":["SwEnty00_01.webp","SwEnty00_02.webp"],"video":[],"owner":"KDS CODER","thumbnail":"","views":"102","comment":"","share":"14","technology":"IT"}]